The PCDD project “Youth Journalists Advocating for Change,” funded by NED, focused on revoking Decree 74/1953, which limits political newspapers in Lebanon. This decree restricts press freedom and hinders diverse political perspectives. PCDD believes that a democratic society requires a free media landscape where diverse opinions can be expressed. By revoking the decree, PCDD aimed to promote an inclusive and participatory democracy, giving voice to youth and all citizens in shaping their nation’s future.
To prepare for the advocacy campaign, PCDD organized a meeting with young journalists from Lebanese universities. They discussed the importance of challenging Legislative Decree No. 74, recognizing the need to raise their voices and pressure officials to repeal it, as it contradicts the Lebanese constitution and hampers a democratic society. A workshop on advocacy and its political implications was conducted to equip the young journalists with necessary skills and knowledge. The enthusiastic group actively participated, preparing for their upcoming campaign.
The youth held a press conference in Beirut to raise awareness about repealing Decree 74/1953. They highlighted the negative consequences, such as limiting expression and youth participation in public life. The conference emphasized the impact on youth policies, stifling creativity, and prioritizing political affiliations over competence. The achievements of the campaign, including signatures from media students and journalists, were highlighted. Participants stressed the importance of a free press, free from political and sectarian limitations.