PCDD, funded by AMIDEAST /USAID Lebanon, implemented the “Advocating to Enhance Bread Safety” project. This initiative aimed to improve consumer protection and access to information regarding Lebanese bread standards. PCDD’s objective was to establish new standards and require clear nutritional labels on bread packaging.
Recognizing the limited public access to information, PCDD conducted a thorough investigation into the composition of Lebanese bread, which is widely consumed in the country. They discovered that bread packaging lacked detailed nutrition labels. To address this issue, PCDD collaborated with LIBNOR, the official standards organization, to develop an updated and comprehensive standard for white bread.
To gather data on Lebanese bread composition, PCDD collected random samples from different regions of Lebanon and subjected them to laboratory testing. When the results indicated safety concerns, PCDD launched a campaign to inform the public about the findings. PCDD understood that the lack of information hindered citizens’ ability to understand the problem.
In the subsequent months, PCDD engaged in advocacy, raised awareness, and conducted nationwide media campaigns to achieve its goal of updated standards and explicit nutritional labeling on white bread packaging. Thanks to these efforts, Lebanon’s bread safety concerns have been successfully addressed.
April 27, 2011 – A decree issued by the Lebanese ministry of economics imposed on bakeries to abide by the safety standards on white flour.
August 3rd, 2012 – Ministry of Industry/ LIBNOR announced the readiness of the standard for the Lebanese bread numbered NL 240:201.